How Infants Tylenol is a SCAM
Ok, here is how infant Tylenol is a scam. The infant Tylenol bottle contains 60 mL of syrup. Each 5 mL of syrup contains 160 mg of Tylenol. The children’s Tylenol bottle contains 240 mL of syrup. Each 5 mL of syrup contains 160 mg of Tylenol. This makes sense because children need more syrup because they are bigger than babies. What is the issue?
Infant Tylenol is $4.79 per ounce. Children’s Tylenol is $1.44 per ounce.
It’s the same thing! You aren’t even paying for a bigger plastic bottle! This is how infant Tylenol is a scam!
I will qualify this by saying that infant Tylenol comes with a syringe while children’s Tylenol comes with a cup. However, if you are anything like me, you likely have a million syringes in your drawers. If you aren’t like me, just go up to the pharmacy window and ask for an oral syringe. They’ll likely give you one. If you would like to save hundreds of dollars over your baby’s teething years, just buy the children’s Tylenol and ask for an oral syringe.